Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Family History Journal -The Sounds of Love

This topic did get me thinking, and I would have to say that the "Sounds of Love" that mean the most to me would have to be the sounds of my family when we are all together.  I love my family, and even more I love when we are all together. The noise is unbelievable, as we all talk and laugh at once and catch up.

Because we don't see each other all that often it makes it that much more special when we are together.

The worst thing to do at a family get together  is to come along feeling down in the dumps, because we just do not do "grumpy". So, below are some photos from a few of the get togethers that we have had over the years. I just wish there was a few videos with sound so that you could all hear how much we love each other.


Evette Mendisabal

It's so true! No GRUMPIES allowed!!!

Evette Mendisabal

I can't believe that Uncle Ivan actually made it into 2 of the photo's you have on here! How did that happen???!


Yeah you two stole both of mine so I have to come up with something.
Jokes man jokes
I agree though the sounds of kids and family togetherness are the best.

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