Thursday, January 21, 2010

Family History Journal - My Character

Meaning of Character: “description of a person’s attributes, traits, abilities.”

What is it that makes up my character, and what have been the major influences in my life to mould me into the person that I am. Should I ask friends and family to give me their thoughts? Do I really care what they think, after all I am who I am when all is said and done?
From an early age I did not have my mother in my life and was brought up by my father and extended family members.

This taught me the importance of family and what it is like being part of a loving extended one consisting of many Aunts, Uncles, Cousins and of course, family friends. All of these people are very important to me, and these influences became key factors in my makeup.

While at school I discovered sport, in particular athletics and netball. I loved athletics and was involved competitively until I was 17. I continued running for years, taking part in half marathons and fun runs. Running helped me to get through the stresses of being a working mum, and bringing up three children. Netball was also a great love and I played netball until I was 27. Net ball and athletics developed in me the ability to listen to coaches, be a team player, and have the ability to stay focused. So here I am today a great listener, team player and able to focus when necessary.

When my children were young we spent 18months living on Mototapu Island. Access was only by ferry from Auckland City. No electricity, only generator power for a few hours each day, shopping done once a week. The time spent on the island tested this city girl beyond my wildest dreams. I learnt how to be totally self-sufficient. I made my own bread (no bread-maker in those days), had my own vegetable garden, and like a true pioneer woman would go everyday thru winter to collect firewood and pine cones to keep the fire going. Too bad if the groceries ran out, we would just have to make do with what we had. This made me pretty self-sufficient and I have been known to rustle up a meal from nothing. This has made me the type of person who only sees solutions.

I believe that our character develops and grows as we get older. Bring it on.



Holy crap.
You're awesome.
I loved this post.

Evette Mendisabal

These are just a few of the things that contribute to you being such an awesome Mum.
I love you!


Best blog I have ever read!!!! Your an amazing mother, if I can be half the mother u are I would be pretty stoked!! Ditto on the love u thing too ;-)

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