Wednesday, June 16, 2010

1000 Awesome Things...

 I have been getting regular emails from the 1000 Awesome Things website, and today I wanted to share awesome things number:

 #483  Do Nothing Days

It's like a mirage.

You see that distant Do Nothing day coming up on the horizon of your kitchen calendar. You stare at its white squarey blankness beckoning you closer and closer and closer. Time moves forward, days march on, and still nothing gets planned on that beautifully perfect patch of nothingness. No homework,
no dinner dates, no sports practices, no visiting mates. It's just you and you sharing a nice peaceful moment of alone time.

When you're lucky enough to score a Do Nothing day, do yourself a favour and do nothing. Give your brain a break and slip into easy bliss of lying in crumpled sheets, taking a long bath, and ordering out for dinner. Ditch the guilt while you swing in a hammock, cuddle with your cat, or curl up on the couch in front of the TV.
Once in a while it's good to enjoy a completely unproductive daydreamy day with as slow smile and no worries.

You earned it.


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life in red shoes

I absolutly LOVE do nothing days, I try to take one every week:)


You're awesome.
I dunno if I'll get a do nothing day for about 10 years!!
But I can not leave the house, get pizza for dinner, not clean, let the kids watch movies all day while I read.
That'd be about as close as I could get.

Beverley Baird

Sounds like a great idea to list 1000 awesome things! Do nothing days are so necessary! I'm looking froward to some soon!
take care.

Melanie Webster

I like the idea of a do nothing day, mine normally on come up when I am sick! Will have to schedule one in for next month, something to look forward to!

The Summer Kitchen Girls

oh to really celebrate a do nothing ALL day....that would be heaven!

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