Scavenger Hunt Sunday..
1. My Town ... Waiuku ( pronounced . Y-oo-koo) Our town square...
2. Something Vintage.. We have the Glenbrook Vintage Railway not far from us, and the train comes into town on the weekend..
3. Tilt Shift Photography..this one was difficult, I don't know how to use Photoshop, and don't have a lens that is a tilt shift lens, so did my best with this shot taken at the top of a local wedding venue, the gardens are built from an old quarry. This reminds me of a fairy woodland hideaway..
4. Dress our work Christmas party last year we had to draw out a letter of the alphabet and dress up accordingly.. I drew the Letter Z, and dressed up as a Zoo Keeper.
5. Chocolate.. This candy is called 'Jaffas" it is orange jaffa flavoured candy on the outside and yummy chocolate on the inside. A New Zealand favourite.
Have a great week everyone..